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Seminars and Team Building

Success is in the planning ! Coaching and personal development are essential for increasing a company’s performance. Assessment, objectives, strategies, pace of life and pressure, the status of a decision-maker is no different from that of a champion in training, the optimisation process should be identical !
- Identifying and optimising potential
- Raising individual and collective awareness
- Defining the synergy of a team and optimising it
- Health within the company (management of stress, emotions, prevention of burn-out)
- Building and boosting cohesion
The method
Our courses include: lectures, theatrical scenarios, analysis laboratories and fun outdoor activities.
Scientific tools and innovative machines are part of our test and development materials. We evaluate brain functions, such as:
- Ability to work under stress
- Decision-making in emergencies
- Responsiveness, memory and so many more…
Coaching solutions for private individuals
The centre is equipped with multiple technologies to adapt to all types of objectives. The journey of each human being can be embellished with the need to perform on all levels: physical, mental, cognitive, etc. When poor health is a limiting factor, we can also help you improve it. Whether for post-traumatic rehabilitation or support to aim for a better quality of life, our expertise is there to help you optimise your potential. Everything is customised and adapted to your request.